Tag Archives: gclusters

[Jan. 09] A remote repository for gclusters

Dear friends, first of all, accept my best wishes for a good and peaceful new year!

Speaking about the Globular Clusters Database, I should say that work is still in progress, even if at a slow rate, also for my involvement as a developer in the ESA-GAIA project, that takes much of my time at the moment.

I have just put all the files of gcluster on a remote website, in order to allow other person to see the code, send bug report, and even make modifications to the files themselves. If you are interested (even in sending bug report or just to have a quick look at the PHP code) please email me at m.castellani (at) gmail.com, and I’ll give you access to the remote repository.

Specifically, the files of the project has now put under git ( a software of revision control); the remote repository is hosted by http://www.indefero.net/. This should turn very useful to keep track of all modifications in the files and to work towards a distribuite collaboration (well, that’s still my dream!)

The location of the reporitory is


As specified above, (at the moment) an allowed account is needed to access the project (source code). Conversely, bug submission is free to all registered inDefero users, and listing of submitted bugs is free for all.

Do not hesitate to ask if you have questions 😉

Kind regards,

Marco Castellani


[Nov. 08] Facebook group, clusters revision…

Dear friends, we have just a couple of updates for the Galactic Globular Clusters Database project this month:

  • Facebook group gclusters: in these days, it seems that facebook popularity keeps growing with no rest, so now we are also present in this popular social network with a group named (you guess?) gclusters. The address of the group is http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=52471272288. Every topic related to globular clusters (at any level) is allowed; Italian and English languages are fine for posting.
  • Cluster Data Revision : I started a (sort of) long time project, devoted to analyze the data for each cluster and to complement information when it’s possible, adding link bibliography and values of parameters. I started from the bulge clusters, moving from center of the Milky Way outward (NGC 6522 has been the first to be “revised”). If you want to help (for example, submitting links of interest and similar stuff), fill free to get in touch.

That’s all for now! Thanks for reading and have a nice month! 😉

Marco Castellani

Recent papers & FF room

Hello, just a couple of news related to Galactic Globular Clusters Database. I just realized it’s better to have at least an update for month, in order not to forget completely this blog (and to let you know that the work on gclusters is going on), so here we are :

Most recent papers inserted in the database:

(some parameter of the M5 Neutron Stars will be soon made available in the web page of the GGCs database, as a test for the revised more flexible structure of the project.. stay tuned!)

(Recent preprints are always separately collected at http://gclusters.tumblr.com/ )

Friendfeed room: there is an “experimental” friendfeed room at http://friendfeed.com/rooms/gclusters. In this website you can post links and short comments on everything related to galactic globular clusters, as well as to discuss existing entries. Preprints and blog articles are also mapped in this “room”. Feel free to experiment and let me know if it is useful!

Wishing you a good summer  😉


Links to Google Sky

Hi all,

hope you had a nice Easter! 😉

Maybe you have noticed the Google has opened a new service called Google Sky; detailed info on that project can be found in their About Google Sky page. For our purpouse, this service is interesing in what it allows you to see the images of great part of globular clusters, as well as to “move around” to (virtually) explore the enviroment around them.

I have started to add to the clusters’ data the link to the corresponding object seen in Google Sky: you may find the links in the right part of the page, in “Other Resources” section (see e.g. M13 page).Note that not all clusters have already the link, at the moment writing.

Some small steps…

Hi all,

just a brief update to keep you informed on the recent modification in the project. One change is about bibliographics items in the database: after some reflection, I have decided to keep well divided the two category of preprints and of published papers. As a consequence, from now on, preprints will not be inserted in the main database of the project. This is in order to build an homogeneous repository of published papers, not a unorganized collection of a mix of preprints and articles.

Preprints willl be added in a separate page – that can be followed by anyone interested in latest works on globular clusters – which should be (possibly) kept updated: the page itself is a “tumblelog” that you can reach at http://gclusters.tumblr.com. Latest preprints are visible also in the Gclusters main page (short address http://snipurl.com/gclusters), thanks to the related RSS feed.

For the rest, I am still working in the direction described in the previous post, with the further addiction that also parameters NOT listed by Harris will have a place, in a future release of Gclusters. As always, feedback and suggestion are welcomed anytime! 🙂

With kind regards,
